Wednesday, August 11, 2010

HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture of the Zonko's Joke Shop sign at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

The sign and display of Dervish and Banges

A moving picture of Professor Gilderoy Lockhart that was in the window of Scrivenshaft's (a book store) along with a few of his books including Magical Me, Travels With Trolls, and Year With The Yetty

Roofs of the Hogsmead and the Hogwarts castle

The upper wall-to-ceiling wand display inside olivanders. I waited with Corey for at least 40 minutes in 95 degree weather and like 75% humidity to get inside... Totally worth it!

Inside Zonko's Joke Shop, these are Pygmy Puffs

My Butterbeer. It was amazing!!!!! and no not alcoholic.

Inside Honeyduke's, the Bertie Bots Every Flavored Beans sign.

The gargoyle that guards the entrance to Dumbledore's office. This was in the castle and I saw it when I was waiting in line for the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

-This ride was SOOOOOOOOOO cool! You got strapped into a car that had all of the four seats on one side with the seats facing out. As the ride began you were tilted back to face a screen. As the characters and action happened on the screen you were moved about in the same way. the coolest thing was that it wasn't just happening in one area, as well as moving in time with the screen you were also being moved around the castle. So you might start off watching a screen but suddenly you would be swung into real life. In part of it you were being chased by the Horntail so when it changed to real live you were confronted by the real thing that blew fire at you! It was soooooooo real! and terrifying at times because of it.

Click to enlarge pictures.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crazy Phone Calls

First of all we are FINALLY in Orlando, Florida!!! About a half hour from our hotel. !ad news is that its pouring rain.

Anyway, I just spent the past 40 minutes talking to mac on the phone. The funny part is that I spent the entire time convincing my family that I was talking to Jonalyn. And even better... They believed me! Even after making the mistake of saying hi to Sam in the back ground I just convinced them that she was texting Samantha (Sam) Mulvey. So Mac and I discussed a number of things; from shoes to "boyfriends" to library books. All of this in third-person. I must say it was one of the more interesting conversations I've had in a while... Very bizzare! Then, once I hung up with "Jonalyn" I proceeded to call Mac back and pretended I had just spoken with Jonalyn. My parents checked my phone history after and were not impressed. Oh well I thought it was funny!
Alright, yesterday I typed two different entries and lost both of them! This is so aggervating!!!! Especially cause on dad's phone the alt key is where the shift key normally is. Which is ubber confusing. We just finished walking around Savannah, Georgia, and it was very HOT and HUMID! As soon as get computer access I'll uplode my pics. Mom says we'll be in Florida around 4:00 and I am SOOOOO ready to get out of this car! Maybe more later. Love ya'll