Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beads, Beads, and More Beads

I have been soooo busy, well, actually not really. I have just been doing arts and crafts when ever I can, which is most of the day. It started off as just doing purler beads whenever Mac came over just for something to do, but now that I started using wire it had evolved into something very different... which is why I haven't posted in a couple of days.

Now, the pictures I promised... This is the hotel that over looks the stadium. I wish I could have watched the game from inside rather than out because it was soooo hot!
Pretty self-explanatory... home plate
Robert eating what has to be THE worst hamburger on earth! In his words, "McDonald's is way better... except for the fries" which he had with the burger.
One of the few pictures of Mac that I have taken that he actually likes... He is so vain for a guy!!!
I'm totally kidding Mac! but really he's not very photogenic.

The first is a picture of the restaurant's interior, which was really cool. Apparently they got all the decor from Mexico. The next is Robert, Mac, and I before dinner. And the last is the really awesome lamps they had.

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