Monday, July 26, 2010

First Day in Maine

Yup… I know… this is uber lame, but I don’t have Internet access at the moment, so instead of wasting all this time I will blog without blogging on Microsoft word, then copy and paste onto my blog. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that by the time you’ll be reading this I will at least -temporarily- have service. So what did I do yesterday…

Don’t you hate it when you have so many ideas and you finally get a chance to write something down (or answer the teacher’s question) and you can’t remember anything you were going to say? … … …

Anyway, our cottage, well more like our camp, is orange. Yes, like bright, eye-popping orange, and I think -though I can’t exactly remember- but I think it has a dark evergreeny trim. When I get the chance I’ll post a picture. But it really makes you wonder about the sanity of the previous owners… and of the present ones I guess, for not changing it. To add to this…

1. The floor is not flat. I’m serious! Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true, most of the flooring has at least a 30 degree tilt to it if not more. I personally have no problem with it but my dad is not a fan.

2. The ceilings are randomly designed, like the one in my room doesn't match the one in the kitchen (which is right outside my door)

3. The dryer doesn't dry ANYTHING!!!!!!

4. The washer and dryer are both in my bedroom

5. This may just be me, but I think the silverware looks funny.

After unpacking we to the grocery store to get some food and I spent most of that time trying to keep the boys under-control and talking to or texting Mac. SOOOOOOOOOOOO many French speaking people, the store was packed.

I was then able to steal Mac and we walked to Moody beach with my family. We hung out there for a while then walked back to Mac's camper. I was able to stay for dinner, so we went to the pool at their camp ground. And Mac, my idiot boyfriend, (just kiddin Baybay) went swimming with his phone... and not just a in-and-out kinda thing but really swimming! Amazingly enough it still works!!!!! We had buffalo bergers for dinner then we toasted marshmellows. It was really fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I'm glad you had fun and yes my phone still works and is now almost completely dry! The rest of the week was awsome too and i cant wait for thursday!
