Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Yay! Mac you read my post. Today was soooo hot! We finally have an air conditioner, but aside from dehumidifying slightly it doesn't do too much. I babysat for a couple hours today and we spent a lot of time outside either in a mini kiddy pool or a swing set in the shade. Other than that my day has been pretty much uneventful.
I knit and listened to my audio-book which I'm almost done with and it is amazing, Jonalyn if your reading I would totally recommend it to you. The baby blanket is coming along well and I haven't had to rip any more out recently, so cross your fingers that it wont happen again.
Tomorrow I get to see a Fisher Cats game with Mac and I'm kind-of excited, but I'm not huge on baseball so... who knows. Anyway its 9:40 so... good night!

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